FOSIBALL REGULATION IVAN ASTUDILLO ARANCÓN JAVIER ORTEGA BRAVO 1. Playing court 1.1. The court is a square by 20 meters each side. 3,5 meters behind each side, are located the four “fosis”. In the middle of the square there is a circle 10 meters diameter, located 8,5 metres from the line where “fosis” are located. 1.2. Every line in the court measure 5 centimeters wide. 1.3. 4 meters behind each line of the square are located the four “fosis” separated 2,5 meters each one. 2. The “fosis” 2.1. The “fosis” are 30 centimeters high, and a circle base 12 centimeters diameter. The “fosis” are made of wood. 2.2. The “fosis” are painting in a different colour in each side. The same colour as the defending team shirt on that side. 3. The ball 3.1. The ball must be spherical. It is made of polychloride of vinyl or plastic. The ball has to have dimensions between 68 and 70 centimete