FOSIBALL REGULATION IVAN ASTUDILLO ARANCÓN JAVIER ORTEGA BRAVO 1. Playing court 1.1. The court is a square by 20 meters each side. 3,5 meters behind each side, are located the four “fosis”. In the middle of the square there is a circle 10 meters diameter, located 8,5 metres from the line where “fosis” are located. 1.2. Every line in the court measure 5 centimeters wide. 1.3. 4 meters behind each line of the square are located the four “fosis” separated 2,5 meters each one. 2. The “fosis” 2.1. The “fosis” are 30 centimeters high, and a circle base 12 centimeters diameter. The “fosis” are made of wood. 2.2. The “fosis” are painting in a different colour in each side. The same colour as the defending team shirt on that side. ...